IWA Dinner: Carwyn Jones discusses devolution’s next steps


Institute of Welsh Affairs (IWA)

Website: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/o/institute-of-welsh-affairs-iwa-5331439653

Chapel 1877

Churchill Way, CF10 2WF

South Glamorgan, GB, CF10 2WF

Three months to the day before Scotland’s historic independence referendum, the IWA will host the First Minister, Carwyn Jones, to reflect on the next steps of Wales’ devolution process. 


The First Minister will discuss the recommendations of the Silk Commission on further devolution, and how they have been received since the publication of their final report.


The dinner, sponsored by the UK’s Changing Union project, will include the chance to discuss the report with members of the Silk Commission.


The cost includes a three course dinner and wine.