This book arises from a conference organised by the Institute of Welsh Affairs and the ESRC Devolution and Constitutional Change

Dros y blynyddoedd mae’r Sefydliad Materion Cymreig wedi cynhyrchu nifer o adroddiadau ansawdd uchel ar ystod eang o destunau. Drwy ymgynnull arbenigwyr o bob fath o gefndiroedd, mae ein hadroddiadau wedi llwyddo i ddylanwadu a chyfarwyddo llu o lunwyr polisi dros y blynyddoedd.
Mae ein hadroddiadau ar gael i’w lawrlwytho am ddim er mwyn sicrhau eu bod yn hygyrch i bawb.
This book arises from a conference organised by the Institute of Welsh Affairs and the ESRC Devolution and Constitutional Change
First Minister Rhodri Morgan and Permanent Secretary Sir Jon Shortridge are committed to a transformation of the public service in
Professor Richard Wyn Jones of the University of Wales Aberystwyth argues that Wales’s universities do not take Wales seriously. Indeed,
Carwyn Jones, Minister for the Environment, Planning and the Countryside in the Welsh Assembly Government, offers a wide-ranging survey of
Analysis for the Welsh Assembly Government on the Socio-Economic characteristics of the south Wales valleys. Click here to download the report
Phil Williams explores the cross currents of a fractured sensibility that challenge our policy-makers in the Assembly Government. Click here