Daran Hill says that the Wales Office should prioritise a reserved powers model before 2015.

Mae the welsh agenda yn gylchgrawn Saesneg sydd yn cael ei hariannu gan Gyngor Llyfrau Cymru. Mae erthyglau’r cylchgrawn yn Saesneg ond mae’r tudalennau am waith y Sefydliad Materion Cymraeg ar gael yn ddwyieithog.
Daran Hill says that the Wales Office should prioritise a reserved powers model before 2015.
Lleu Williams explains why a lobby to smooth out devolution’s jagged edges is being taken to London today
Emyr Lewis says that in a vote today AMs have a chance to assert their legislative equality with the Scottish Parliament
Emyr Lewis asks why we don’t already have our own distinct legal jurisdiction
John Osmond says yesterday’s Welsh Government proposals to extend devolution are setting up a confrontation with Whitehall