Ann West says the Cambrian Mountains should become an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty

Mae the welsh agenda yn gylchgrawn Saesneg sydd yn cael ei hariannu gan Gyngor Llyfrau Cymru. Mae erthyglau’r cylchgrawn yn Saesneg ond mae’r tudalennau am waith y Sefydliad Materion Cymraeg ar gael yn ddwyieithog.
Ann West says the Cambrian Mountains should become an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty
Tehmina Goskar describes a turning point for the lower Swansea Valley
John Evans considers the fate of two major estates in mid Wales
Stuart Cole welcomes this week’s launch by the IWA and Cardiff Business Partnership of their report calling for light rail links between Cardiff, Newport and the Valleys
David Anderson reveals how Amgueddfa Werin Cymru is being transformed to become the national museum for Wales’s history
Derek Jones raises a question mark over a scheme that aspires to become the eighth wonder of Wales
Jan Morris celebrates a remarkable book published in 2010 that explores Welsh landscapes of loss
John Osmond hears First Minister saying Whitehall attitudes to Welsh devolution are driven more by contempt than respect
Tehmina Goskar looks back at a day celebrating the heritage of Swansea’s Copperopolis