In the third article in this collaborative series with Oxfam Cymru, Cardiff Business School’s Dr Alison Parken OBE explores ensuring a fair and equitable transition to a well-being economy.
Mae the welsh agenda yn gylchgrawn Saesneg sydd yn cael ei hariannu gan Gyngor Llyfrau Cymru. Mae erthyglau’r cylchgrawn yn Saesneg ond mae’r tudalennau am waith y Sefydliad Materion Cymraeg ar gael yn ddwyieithog.
Biodiversity corridors and restorative justice: How bee-friendly infrastructure can make Wales a sanctuary for humanity
Philip Henry calls for the restoration of biodiversity corridors through the creation of pollinator-friendly infrastructure.
IWA Analysis: Sustainable Business for Future Generations with Wales & West Utilities
Joe Rossiter reflects on the IWA’s second roundtable event held in partnership with Wales and West Utilities (WWU).
Book Review: Tir: The Story of the Welsh Landscape
Andy Bevan praises Carwyn Graves’s Tir: The Story of the Welsh Landscape (2024).
Knight Vintage: Weaving fashion and music together in Wales
Jordan Curtis speaks to Jake Knight, owner of independent clothing store Knight Vintage, about his love for fashion and Welsh music, and how these two passions have weaved together in his successful Cardiff-based venture.
Wrth Dychmygu Cymru yn 2100: Y Dyffryn 2100
Rwy’n breuddwydio yn y tywydd anwadal. Mae cymylau llwyd isel yn dynesu drwy’r dyffryn. Mae’r cymylau yn addo cawod o
A new framework for economic development in Wales: the Wellbeing Economy
In the second article in this collaborative series with Oxfam Cymru, Dawn Lyle, co-director of Wellbeing Economy Cymru and 4theRegion, advances Wellbeing Economics as the economic strategy Wales must pursue, to deliver well-being for people, places and planet.
Urgent support needed to help community groups navigate Cost-of-Living Crisis
Eleri Williams, Policy and Research Advisor at Building Communities Trust (BCT), shares their vision for a more supportive environment for community organisations across Wales.
The Queen is Dead: A Problem for Rhyl’s Regenerative Vision
Beth McAulay investigates the reasons behind the stalling of Rhyl’s Queens Market redevelopment.