Sharing Power, Spreading Wealth: Media Roundup

Elijah Thomas / Picture of the Welsh Valleys
Credit: Elijah Thomas

Already hailed as an ‘important new report’ by Future Generations Commissioner for Wales Derek Walker, our report Sharing Power, Spreading Wealth has been highlighted in multiple outlets since its publication:

  • Nation.Cymru featured a write-up of the report under the title ‘More profits must go to local communities from renewable energy projects’
  • Lydia Godden was interviewed on BBC Radio Wales Breakfast show to discuss the findings of her report.
  • An analysis of our report and its learnings from a Scottish perspective was published by Common Weal.
  • Lydia gave an interview to Business News Wales about the private sector’s potential role to revitalise communities.

You can read our full report, Sharing Power, Spreading Wealth: Towards an equitable energy transition for Wales, here.

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