IWA Professional Training: Influencing Political Outcomes


March 1 - 09:30 am


March 2 - 02:00 pm

Click to Register: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/iwa-professional-training-influencing-political-outcomes-tickets-223280386647

Institute of Welsh Affairs (IWA)

Website: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/o/institute-of-welsh-affairs-iwa-5331439653
IWA Professional Training courses (Decision Making in Wales and Influencing Political Outcomes) are designed and presented by the IWA.

Please note that this is a two-day course delivered via Zoom. The full agenda and timings for both days is below.

The two IWA Professional Training courses (Decision Making in Wales and Influencing Political Outcomes) are designed by the IWA, and led by Will Henson, our Policy & External Affairs Manager.

Will has seven years of policy and research experience across the areas of higher education, homelessness and education.

Influencing Political Outcomes will:

  • Give learners an understanding of how they can work effectively to influence the Welsh Government and the Senedd.
  • Equip learners with an advanced understanding of devolution, and help develop the skills to influence policy development and set up successful campaigns within Wales.
  • Teach the workings of the Senedd and Welsh Government at an advanced level.
  • Explain how to effectively influence policy makers within Wales including Members of the Senedd.
  • Outline how to establish and effectively manage campaigns within Wales and ensure that they have optimal impact.
  • Explore how to set up, manage and market events and opportunities to promote campaigns to policy makers in Wales.

Who is this course for?

This course is ideal for those looking to expand their influence within the political sphere in Wales.


Day One – 1 March 2022

09.30 Welcome and introductions

09.45 Influencing a Member of the Senedd

10.15 Group exercise

10.45 Break (turn off cameras and mics)

11.00 Influencing the Welsh Government

12.00 Group exercise

12.30 Lunch

13.15 Pre-discussion for First Minister’s Questions

13.30 First Minister’s Questions via Senedd TV

14.00 Discussion about FMQs & summary of the day

14.30 Finish

Day Two – 2 March 2022

09.30 Welcome back and quick recap from Day One

10.00 Q&A with Sarah Murphy MS

10.45 Break (turn off cameras and mics)

11.00 Influencing the Senedd

11.40 Group Exercise

12.00 Break (turn off cameras and mics)

12.15 Planning an effective campaign

13.15 Group exercise

13.45 Summary

14.00 Finish

Additional Information

This course is preceded by an introductory course: Decision Making in Wales. Previous participants have recommended taking both courses for maximum insight.


IWA membership

Please note IWA members receive advance notice of all IWA events and early bird discount prices. You can join the IWA from just £3 a month.


“Very good – this section was very well-chosen and demonstrated Welsh politics in a practical way”

“Excellent –  I was expecting to gain a basic understanding of the topic, but both the working dynamics and the new direction of devolution were discussed in-depth” 

“I assumed it was fact based and quite dry, instead I gained a much greater understanding of political changes”

100% of delegates on the May 2021 Influencing Political Outcomes course rated it ‘very good’ or ‘excellent’.


For more information on the course contents and other testimonials go to: https://youtu.be/vQ_0Kdh403I