What about Wales? The implications of the Scottish result


September 11


01:30 pm - 06:00 pm

Click to Register: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/what-about-wales-the-implications-of-the-scottish-result-tickets-12046672923

Institute of Welsh Affairs (IWA)

Website: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/o/institute-of-welsh-affairs-iwa-5331439653

Victor Salvi Room

Wales Millennium Centre Cardiff Bay, Cardiff, CF10 5AL

Cardiff, GB, CF10 5AL

One week before Scotland’s historic referendum the IWA will gather together key figures to discuss what the implications of the vote will be for Wales.


Conference Chair: Helen Molyneux, Silk Commission member and IWA Chair

1.30pm:  Registration

2pm:  Which way will it go? A survey of the polls

  • Professor Roger Scully, Wales Governance Centre, Cardiff University

2.30pm:  What will it mean for Wales?

  • Gerald Holtham, IWA Fellow

  • Leanne Wood AM, Leader, Plaid Cymru 

  • Professor Laura McAllister, Liverpool University

  • Vaughan Roderick, Welsh Affairs Editor, BBC

  • (Chair) Lee Waters, Director, IWA

3.30pm:  Networking break

4pm:   What will it mean for the UK? 

  • Simon Jenkins, The Guardian

  • Kirsty Williams AM, Leader, Welsh Liberal Democrats

  • Leighton Andrews AM, former Welsh Labour Minister

  • Paul Silk, Chair of the Silk Commission

  • (Chair) Rob Humphreys, Silk Commission 

5pm:   Federalism or break up? 

  • Professor David Marquand, writer and former Labour MP


Ticket Prices:

IWA members: £45 + VAT

Non-members: £90 + VAT


This event has been kindly sponsored by the UK’s Changing Union Project.