Welsh Government to establish a Broadcasting and Communications Advisory Body

The IWA welcomes the announcement that Welsh Government will set up a dedicated body to ‘provide guidance on broadcasting and communications, to inform policy in Wales as well as navigating the many changes on the horizon’.

We are particularly encouraged to see the Welsh Government mention our own reports on broadcasting regulations in Wales as well as the final report issued by the Independent Commission on the Constitutional Future of Wales, which was informed by our evidence. 

Welsh Government rightly acknowledges an ‘unsustainable’ situation for media in Wales, and sets out ambitions ‘to explore plans for an alternative broadcasting and communications framework if broadcasting were to be devolved’. 

Recent challenges in the media sector have highlighted insufficiencies in governance and the importance of a diverse media landscape with sufficient capacity to scrutinise institutions and serve Wales’ communities.

We will continue to monitor discussions on the future of Wales’ media.

Read our full report on broadcasting regulation here.

Syniadau uchelgeisiol, awdurdodol a mentrus.
Ymunwch â ni i gyfrannu at wneud Cymru gwell.