Peter Finch looks back at a poet whose life raged against perplexing questions and whose selected writings are published this week

Peter Finch looks back at a poet whose life raged against perplexing questions and whose selected writings are published this week
Next week’s announcement on public spending cuts will force a rethink on NHS Wales funding
Alastair Smith reports on the Big Food Debate at the Abergavenny Food Festival
Nick Bourne analyses the territory on which next May’s Assembly election will be fought
Marcus Longley explains why to survive the Welsh NHS must speed up change and not merely dig in and defend in the face of cuts
Joanne Crovini says a good diet before the age of four will tackle obesity epidemic
Julie Williams asks why mental health remains the poor relation in medical research funding
Alan Trench warns the proposed merger of the Health Protection Agency and Department of Health could have catastrophic consequences
Rebecca Evans explores the value that cross party groups are bringing to politics in Wales