John Osmond examines some underlying reasons why last week’s contagion of violence was stopped at the Welsh border

John Osmond examines some underlying reasons why last week’s contagion of violence was stopped at the Welsh border
First Minister Carwyn Jones’ statement to the National Assembly yesterday
Hannah Austin recounts her reasons for attending Cardiff’s Slutwalk
Kirsty Davies reports on a debate on the role and rewards of women in the workplace
Michaela Breeze argues that that sport should sit at the top of the curriculum
Aled Edwards argues that Wales’s decade of devolution has been accompanied by a strong focus on equal opportunities and human rights
Donny O’Rourke reflects on a new biography of Scotand’s leading poet of the last half century
Kirsty Davies finds a gap between the rhetoric of the Westminster and Welsh Governments on women’s representation and the reality on the ground
David Marquand analyses an attack on the English public domain of citizenship, service, and equity that is washing against the Welsh border