‘Being the Change’ WCVA photo series: Threshold DAS

Mae’r arddangosfa ‘Ni yw’r Newid’ yn taflu goleuni ar y cyfraniad rhagorol a wneir gan staff a gwirfoddolwyr at yr elusennau a’r mentrau cymdeithasol hyn. / The ‘Being the Change’ exhibition throws a spotlight on the wonderful contribution made by staff and volunteers to these charities and social enterprises.

Threshold DAS
Victoria Pedicini
Prif Weithredwr

Vicky yw Prif Weithredwr Threshold DAS, mudiad sy’n gweithio gyda menywod, dynion, plant a phobl ifanc sy’n dioddef cam-drin domestig a thrais rhywiol, a dynion sy’n arddangos ymddygiad camdriniol.


Cafodd Vicky ei geni a’i magu ger Llanelli, a’i chysylltiad cyntaf â Threshold DAS (sef Cymorth i Fenywod Llanelli gynt) oedd fel gwirfoddolwr yn 2000.


O dan ei harweinyddiaeth, mae gan Threshold DAS dîm staff ac ynddo 45 o weithwyr ac – yn bwysig – 30 o wirfoddolwyr. Fe wnaeth hi hyrwyddo’r angen am raglen cyflawnwyr gwrywaidd yng Nghymru, wrth i Threshold ddod yn un o’r mudiadau menywod cyntaf yng Nghymru i sicrhau cyllid i gynnal Rhaglen Ymyrraeth Gynnar i Deuluoedd a oedd yn cynnwys rhaglen i weithio gyda’r rheini sy’n cam-drin.


Mae’r newid hwn mewn cyfeiriad, i weithio hefyd gyda chyflawnwyr gwrywaidd, wedi bod yn ddadleuol. Ond fe wnaeth hi’r penderfyniad hwn ar ôl ymchwil ac ymgynghori helaeth ag aelodau o staff a defnyddwyr gwasanaethau, gan weld pob un ohonynt eisiau dod o hyd i ateb i broblem gynyddol trais gwrywaidd: a chynnig dull sy’n cynnwys y teulu cyfan i’w helpu i aros gyda’i gilydd yn ddiogel neu wahanu’n gyfeillgar.


Cyngor Gweithredu Gwirfoddol Cymru (WCVA) yw’r mudiad aelodaeth cenedlaethol i’r trydydd sector yng Nghymru. Mae ein harddangosfa luniau ‘Byw i arall yw byw yn iawn’ yn darlunio dim ond 11 o’n 900 o aelodau. Mae’r arddangosfa hon yn taflu goleuni ar y cyfraniad rhagorol a wneir gan staff a gwirfoddolwyr at yr elusennau a’r mentrau cymdeithasol hyn.


Mae’r 11 llun yn cipio angerdd ac ymroddiad y bobl arbennig hyn at eu dewis fudiad. Byddai Cymru yn sicr ar ei cholled hebddynt. Gyda’i gilydd, mae’r lluniau hyn yn cynrychioli’r holl aelodau o staff a gwirfoddolwyr sy’n gweithio ar hyd a lled Cymru, yn y 32,000 o fudiadau a amcangyfrifir sydd yn y trydydd sector. Mae pob un ohonynt yn barod i weithredu dros eraill a dros y newid yr hoffent ei weld yng nghymdeithas. Ond gallwn ni gyd gefnogi’r newid hwn. Mae yna elusen neu fenter gymdeithasol sydd eich angen chi. Ewch amdani a helpwch y mudiadau hyn i ffynnu, er lles pawb yng Nghymru.


Tynnwyd y lluniau hyn i gyd gan y ffotograffydd Warren Orchard sy’n gweithio’n bennaf yn y cyfryngau a’r sector hysbysebu, i gwmnïau fel Netflix, Channel 4, Universal a Warner Brothers, ac fe enillodd wobr Bafta Cymru yn ddiweddar am ei ddilyniant ar ddechrau penodau cyfres deledu Y Gwyll / Hinterland.


Lansiwyd yr arddangosfa yn gofod3 ar 21 Mawrth ac ar gael i’w gweld eto yn Eisteddfod Genedlaethol Llanrwst rhwng 3 a 10 Awst 2019.


Threshold DAS
Victoria Pedicini
Chief Executive

Vicky is the Chief Executive of Threshold DAS, an organisation working with women, men, children and young people who experience domestic abuse and sexual violence, and men who exhibit abusive behaviour.


Vicky was born and raised on the outskirts of Llanelli, and first came to Threshold DAS (formerly known as Llanelli Women’s Aid) as a volunteer in 2000.


Under her leadership, Threshold DAS has a staff team of 45 and – importantly – 30 volunteers. She also facilitated the need for a male perpetrator programme in Wales, with Threshold becoming one of the first women’s organisations in Wales to secure funding to run an Early Family Intervention Programme that included a perpetrator programme.


This change of direction, to also work with male perpetrators, has been controversial. But she took this decision after extensive research and consultation with staff members and service users, all of whom wanted to find a solution to the growing problem of male violence: and offering families a whole-family approach to stay together safely or to split amicably.


Wales Council for Voluntary Action (WCVA) is the national membership organisation for the third sector in Wales. Our ‘Being the Change’ photo exhibition showcases just 11 of our 900 members. This exhibition throws a spotlight on the wonderful contribution made by staff and volunteers to these charities and social enterprises.


These 11 images capture the passion and commitment of these extraordinary people to their chosen organisation. Wales would certainly be the poorer without them. Together, these images represent all staff and volunteers who work the length and breadth of Wales, in what is estimated to be over 32,000 third sector organisations. Each and every one of them are being the change they want to see in society. But we can all be that change. There is a charity or social enterprise that needs you. Get involved and help these organisations thrive, so we can improve the wellbeing of all people in Wales.


All images were taken by photographer Warren Orchard who predominantly works within the media and advertising sectors, for the likes of Netflix, Channel 4, Universal and Warner Brothers, recently winning a Bafta Cymru for his title sequence for the TV series Hinterland / Y Gwyll.


The exhibition will be available to view at the Eisteddfod Genedlaethol in Llanrwst from 3rd to 10th August 2019.


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