The Great Western Railway electrification is to be welcomed, says Rhys David, but some vital questions remain
Getting climate change message across
John Osmond hears veteran campaigner Jonathan Porritt deliver an American message to Welsh environmentalists
Losing out to Barnett
John Osmond looks at the way Labour Secretaries of State have been promoting Welsh interests in Whitehall
Lords say Barnett is ‘arbitrary and unfair’
Eurfyl ap Gwilym on the implications of the Lords’ report into the Barnett formula:
Welsh public spending’s answer: 114
James Foreman-Peck reflects on fairer public spending across the UK:
Will Britain survive beyond 2020?
John Osmond enters into a debate with Conservative AM David Melding’s advocacy of federalism as a solution to Britain’s constitutional instability
Assembly Bwletin Cynulliad June 2009
June 2009: European elections: the results in Wales – Powers over the Welsh language: bid to devolve further powers to Wales continues – Olympic rowing: report by MPs suggests no significant benefit for Wales in 2012 – Hain’s call: new Welsh Secretary calls on colleagues to heed Euro election drubbing.
Mystery tour
John Osmond peers into the future for devolution:
Assembly Bwletin Cynulliad May 2009
May 2009: Welsh Labour Party Conference, Gordon Brown: “We will grow not cut our way out of recession.” – Plaid Cymru Party Conference, Elfyn Llwyd: Prime Minister “Did nothing” to prevent the country’s current financial woes. – Welsh Conservative Party Conference, David Cameron: Increased Devolution? “Let’s make what we have now actually work”. – Welsh Liberal Democrat Party Conference, Kirsty Williams “Wales deserves better leadership”.