Geraint Talfan Davies reports on a week in the arts and politics of New York
Dual Ban Boomerang
John Osmond says the ban on candidates standing in both constituency and List seats in Assembly elections could rebound
The Outsider
John Osmond examines Adam Price’s role in Welsh politics
Only in America
There are important elections taking place this month around the world, but you would hardly know from the media coverage, argues Rhys David
Long March to Scotland’s Referendum
Gerry Hassan analyses the impact of the SNP Government’s announcement of a Bill for a referendum on opening negotiations with the UK Government on Scottish independence.
Cofiwch Dryweryn
John Osmond reflects on the future political economy of Wales’s water resources
Wales’s new constitution – the first two years.
Address at the Bala National Eisteddfod, August 2009
Dafydd Elis Thomas AM, Presiding Office, National Assembly
Comparing the Welsh economy with the world
Brian Morgan calls for a realistic assessment of the Welsh economy:
Assembly Bwletin Cynulliad August 2009
August 2009: Out with the old, in with the new: a wave of AMs to stand down at 2011 election – Welsh laws for next year announced: Assembly Government unveils its programme – Assembly Government to consult on tighter GM controls: crop growers to be liable? – Funding Wales: reports’ pressure to re-examine funding formula.