Brian Morgan, Professor of Entrepreneurship at Cardiff Metropolitan University, considers how stakeholders in the region could work together to maximise the economic benefits from the Metro project

Brian Morgan, Professor of Entrepreneurship at Cardiff Metropolitan University, considers how stakeholders in the region could work together to maximise the economic benefits from the Metro project
Auriol Miller is joined by Dr Claire Evans, Natasha Davies and Chris Johnes to discuss new research looking at decent work for women in Wales
Rachel Cable introduces new research into women’s experience of work in Wales
Chris Johnes and Neil McInroy celebrate the successes of communities building prosperity and outline the conditions that are needed to build more local wealth in Wales.
Claudia Boes makes a call for inclusive and sustainable spaces to empower, protect and support women.
Sue Denman explores how communities can play a full role in delivering care and wellbeing.
Brenig Davies highlights the lack of respect shown to our public places
Robert Chapman explores how the urban phenomenon of co-working can assist development in rural areas
Chris Johnes considers a recent Wales Centre for Public Policy report on inclusive growth and the welsh economy