Anna Mercer looks at why inter-parliamentary working in Northern Ireland has been, and remains, a challenge.

Anna Mercer looks at why inter-parliamentary working in Northern Ireland has been, and remains, a challenge.
Geraint Talfan-Davies calls for political parties to work together in Wales’ interests
Matthew Hexter considers a confederal future for the UK outside Europe
Following on from a recent debate hosted by the IWA, Wales Governance Centre and All Party Parliamentary Group on Devolution in the House of Lords, we share a series of reflections from leading academics on the implications of the EU Withdrawal Bill on the devolved Nations.
First in the series, Professor Colin Harvey reflects on Northern Ireland’s central role in the debate.
Martin Shipton reviews a newly published pamphlet on the constitutional future of the UK
Eurfyl ap Gwilym explores the possible financial aspects of a deal between the Conservatives and DUP, and looks at whether or not Wales and Scotland may gain
As another crisis threatens to destroy hard-won progress, Rhys David looks back to the resignation of Chief Minister Brian Faulkner in May 1974.
Lleu Williams finds that effective governance for Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland requires devolution of broadcasting
Mike Hedges questions why Wales is being treated differently to Scotland and Northern Ireland on borrowing powers