Sophie Buchaillard connects the Ukrainian crisis and the Rwandan genocide to think about the West’s contrasting relationship to refugees.

is an author between cultures, born in Paris, implanted in Wales. Originally trained as a political scientist, she worked for student and environmental charities and the Higher Education sector for twenty years, as a researcher, a strategist, and a policy advisor. She was a member of the task group who contributed to the Welsh Government report Talented Women for a Successful Wales (2016). Sophie writes contemporary fiction that reflects on the anxieties of our age, using movement and migration, to connect history with our reality. Her short stories and essays have appeared in Wales Arts Review, Byline Times, Writers’ & Artists’, The Friday Poem, Murmurations Magazine, the Other Side of Hope and Square Wheel Press. Sophie tutors in Creative Writing at Cardiff University. This Is Not Who We Are (Seren Books) is her debut novel.