Reviewing the devolution decade so far had been a common activity among political observers until the all-consuming MPs’ expenses row
Assembly Bwletin Cynulliad June 2009
June 2009: European elections: the results in Wales – Powers over the Welsh language: bid to devolve further powers to Wales continues – Olympic rowing: report by MPs suggests no significant benefit for Wales in 2012 – Hain’s call: new Welsh Secretary calls on colleagues to heed Euro election drubbing.
Elis Owen: an unsung hero of Welsh broadcasting
The consolidation of ITV’s Wales, Midlands and north west England operations has ended an era, says Geraint Talfan Davies:
Euro elections and a media meltdown
Betsan Powys reflects on last night’s European election hustings – organised by the IWA – on her blog. She has chosen to focus on the row over the three out of four of the Welsh Conservatives’ candidates who apparently do not live in Wales. This debate was first aired in the Western Mail last weekend.
The issue that will not go away
Geraint Talfan Davies on the storm over MPs’ expenses:
Mystery tour
John Osmond peers into the future for devolution:
Assembly Bwletin Cynulliad May 2009
May 2009: Welsh Labour Party Conference, Gordon Brown: “We will grow not cut our way out of recession.” – Plaid Cymru Party Conference, Elfyn Llwyd: Prime Minister “Did nothing” to prevent the country’s current financial woes. – Welsh Conservative Party Conference, David Cameron: Increased Devolution? “Let’s make what we have now actually work”. – Welsh Liberal Democrat Party Conference, Kirsty Williams “Wales deserves better leadership”.
Tackling real problems with law
Glyn Davies has some interesting reflections on last night’s IWA event in Wrexham on the ‘Future Health of the People of Wales’. And once again the issue of powers rears its head.
Budget reflections
Eurfyl ap Gwilym considers Budget 2009: