Transport is much more than cars and roads

Sophie Howe makes the case for a transport transformation.

Transportation and technology are developing at high speed, revolutionising not only how we travel but the ways in which we live and work in the future.

In less than three years you could be purchasing a self-driving car or using on-demand travel options from car-sharing to bicycles. We could also see the arrival of the first hyperloop in the UK; which promises a journey from London to Scotland in 45 minutes.

Last week, Hyundai and Volkswagen announced the roll out of their first self-drive cars by 2021, driverless lorries are being trialled in the UK this year and the Netherlands is currently exploring a “Netflix for transportation” – a system which would allow people to access a variety of transport from public transport and bicycles.

How can this transport transformation change the way we travel, work and live here in Wales? We know that over 3 million people in Wales rely on the country’s transport infrastructure daily, and yet our roads are gridlocked, with harmful impacts for our health and well-being, as well as our environment. Quite simply, we cannot afford to address 21st century transport issues with outmoded 20th century solutions.

Cities across the globe who are being proactive in investing in low-carbon, public and automated transportation are already reaping the rewards, such as improved productivity of employees with faster, easier journeys and greater mobility, and improved air quality for local residents.

This is exactly what they did in Portland Oregon with the development of their metro system. I was fortunate enough to see this work on a trip arranged by the American State Department last year and was pleased to host a Skype meeting recently with TriMet in Portland and the new Chief Executive of Transport for Wales and his team to facilitate learning and an exchange of ideas.

And it’s not just an economic no-brainer for us to get ahead of the game here in Wales, but a statutory obligation under the Well-being of Future Generations Act.

By setting out clearly the requirements on public bodies to consider the social, environmental, economic and cultural well-being of Wales in their decision-making process, as well as the aspirations contained within the national well-being goals, the Well-being of Future Generations Act drives the aspiration that we should be working towards the creation of a low-carbon transport strategy.

We have some significant opportunities with the work on the new rail franchise and metro to use these major infrastructure projects to show how we can move to low carbon transport, reuse resources during construction, employ local people and work with local communities to ensure that the investment also supports local initiatives such as new cycle tracks, places for nature and using renewable and existing infrastructure associated with the scheme for community facilities.

My office has also recently been working with Welsh Government on revising their Welsh Transport Appraisal Guidance (WelTAG 2017), which encourages transport planners to take a different approach to coming up with long-term solutions that contributes to all four aspects of well-being. This is a huge and exciting shift that moves away from traditional ways of working.

The new guidance includes my “Future Generations Framework”, which has been developed in partnership with others as a framework for thinking; to help public services and organisations make better decisions and design projects that are future fit.

The framework is engineered to help decision makers consider the long-term and prevention, encourages integration, collaboration and involvement, in order to develop projects which are more holistic and are proactively taking us towards a low-carbon, clean energy, resilient and more equal society, providing secure and well-paid jobs, and building well-connected, resilient communities for everyone.

Our Framework is ‘work in progress’ – we have published the current version, but we are keen to hear from people whether it’s useful and whether it needs to change to make it even more so!

Transport is about so much more than cars and roads; it’s the hours and location of where we work, it’s how we get the kids to school, whether we can make it to that Monday night spin class, whether we choose a quick and easy ready meal or make the longer trip to the shops to pick up something healthier (and probably cheaper). It was recently reported that 20% of young unemployed people are unable to get to job interviews because they cannot afford public transport, or don’t have access to it – highlighting that transport and social mobility are inherently linked.

Transport affects the way we plan our lives and should be our route to healthier, happier, more sustainable choices, not a barrier that prevents us from achieving this. Revolutionising transport in Wales would improve all seven of Wales’ national well-being goals; with cycling, getting the bus and active travel contributing to a healthier, more resilient Wales, and more accessible transport allowing for greater equality of access for communities across Wales, as well as greater visibility and use of the Welsh language throughout our public transport.

Getting this right is not rocket-science but it does require us to be bold, brave and think more innovatively about how to develop projects and infrastructure fit for the future. The Well-being of Future Generations Act gives us all permission to do this, and we want to support Public Bodies to make this the reality in Wales.

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Sophie Howe is Future Generations Commissioner for Wales

4 thoughts on “Transport is much more than cars and roads

  1. ‘The Well-being of Future Generations Act gives us all permission to do this, and we want to support Public Bodies to make this the reality in Wales.’

    Should have called it the Cloud Cuckoo Land Act! Permission to commit economic suicide… Permission to make policy based on just about anything except hard evidence… These unreformed Agenda 21 watermelons are going to destroy what little bit of competitiveness Wales still has… But that’s what they always wanted and there are many willing hands in the political class and the 3rd sector amongst the people who spend the money that other people make by adding value.

    Increasingly, the real world for adding value will have to be located somewhere else.

    As for traffic congestion – most of the congestion I come across is caused by deliberate bad planning – the deliberate closure of roads, and other reductions in road area, which increase traffic density, reduce average speeds, and vastly increase fuel consumption and pollution by keeping more vehicles in lower gears at higher revs for more of the time than needs to be the case. Seems to be a deliberate policy so congestion and pollution taxation can be ‘justified’. That’s arguably one of the several factors which have forced one rural bus company after another out of business. It also slows and sometimes prevents emergency vehicles arriving at their destination in time. For what? A pretend game of saving the planet by getting nearly everything wrong! It would be laughable if it wasn’t so serious.

  2. One hopes the boldness to question includes dealing with some of the more difficult questions around transport of some public bodies such as:

    1 – Free car parking, in town centres and hospitals
    2 – Public bodies, health facilities, local authority officers, et al, being located away from transport hubs
    3 – Local Authorities and Welsh Government not wanting to upset the road lobby, by doing away with bus priority measures or tolls – thus potentially undermining existing public transport networks.
    4 – Spending too much time, or perhaps worse some of the limited money available, on projects such as autonomous and self-driving cars, or the untested vanity project like hyperloop, instead of maintaining investment into making much better use of what existing public transport we have and other sustainable transport modes. (A full scale upgrade of most of the pavements pedestrians walk on would be a good place to start)

  3. This article does not address the role of infrastructure in connecting markets, thereby creating prosperity and employment. Investment in infrastructure, in all its forms, is a fundamental part of improving the business environment and the Commissioner’s case is not helped by her office’s lack of engagement with business.

  4. There is evidently a lack of project management capacity in the Welsh government. How long have we been talking about the South Wales metro? Has anything happened? Is there even a concrete, costed and scheduled delivery plan? Let’s admit it is pie in the sky until the government accepts that a £2 billion project cannot be run by a handful of seconded and inexpert civil servants with a bunch of consultants some of whom have conflicts of interest as their companies are touting for business. It requires a dedicated statutory delivery agency – like Transport for London or, come to that, the Cardiff Bay Development Corporation. The Welsh government’s desire to retain detailed control of everything and its reluctance to will the means to deliver complex projects means metro will never happen. They’ll electrify a valley line or two by 2030 and brand it “metro” but who are they kidding? Come on boys and girls. This isn’t difficult. Relax, let go, set up a South Wales Transport Authority, hire people who have run complex projects, work out with their advice what is feasible and cost effective and let them do the job.

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