Mr Justice Roderick Evans
The Lord Callaghan Memorial Lecture 2010
Swansea University, 19 February 2010
Tackling Welsh Economic Competitiveness
On the eve of the IWA’s inaugural national economy conference, Robert Huggins and Stevie Upton argue that a lack of policy-making capacity is holding our private sector back
Devolution’s Triumph
John Osmond probes behind the headlines given a provocative article analysing devolution by the Welsh Government’s former Permanent Secretary
Greenwash Threatens Sustainable Endurance
Simon Nurse says definitions of sustainability are gaining a viral circularity
Surviving the Recession
John Osmond provides a curtain raiser for this week’s IWA inaugural economy conference on making Wales business friendly
Waking Up To Science
John Tucker says the Welsh Government’s appointment of a Chief Scientific Advisor is just one indication of a welcome new engagement
Re-Balancing the Welsh Curriculum
John Osmond reports on a crusade being waged by Education Minister Leighton Andrews to give vocational studies parity of esteem with the academic
Historic Vote Triggers Referendum
John Osmond reports on today’s Senedd debate that kick started moves to holding a referendum on increasing the National Assembly’s law making powers
Half-Way House to Electoral Reform
Annabelle Harle assesses the impact of the Alternative Vote had it been operating in Wales in 2005 and the way it would influence the Welsh result in the forthcoming general election