Eddie Bone says if Wales wants to entrench its own institutions it should support the Campaign for an English Parliament

Eddie Bone says if Wales wants to entrench its own institutions it should support the Campaign for an English Parliament
Niki Seth-Smith says the political left need to sieze control of the English identity question
Peter Finch takes us on his cycling literary tour of the ley lines of the capital
Lee Waters says if Swansea has serious ambitions to rank alongside Cardiff it needs to look towards Bristol where the elected Mayor (pictured) has brought a focus to the city.
John Osmond examines the consequences for Wales of a new report’s findings that England is demanding a political say
Adam Evans explores evidence showing that Englishness is emerging from the shadow of Britishness
Geraint Talfan Davies says Wales continues to suffer from a structural imbalance with south-east England
Dan Hind asks whether economic protest can be united with change to the political system
Geraint Talfan Davies contests the basic assertion behind the McKay Commission report