Ani Saunders and Ed Thomas Jones investigate the so-called death of the high street and what can be done to revive Welsh town centres.

Ani Saunders and Ed Thomas Jones investigate the so-called death of the high street and what can be done to revive Welsh town centres.
Lowri Cunnington Wynn explores the way communities can revitalise the place they live in through the idea of ‘restanza’, the active choice to stay.
Dr. Llyr ap Gareth reflects on the necessary principles that should underpin the discussion of business support in FSB Wales’ new report.
Over the last two years the IWA has been exploring the foundational economy through a project to develop new ideas
Dr Jack Watkins from the IWA explores the realities of the ‘Brain Drain’ – and asks how Wales can be a good place to live for young poeple.
Jack Watkins suggests that understanding of the foundational economy points towards reforms that can help improve social care.
Prof. Gerry Holtham outlines the challenges facing Wales ageing economy and argues for striking out boldly in a different direction.
The political parties responded to our ‘Big Questions’ on the economy – now the IWA analyse what their answers mean for Wales.
The parties competing for your vote in the upcoming election respond to our Big Questions on the economy.