Paul Silk introduces the Act of Union Bill and sets out what it could mean for Wales

Paul Silk introduces the Act of Union Bill and sets out what it could mean for Wales
The second part of Gideon Calder’s interview with Peter Hain
Gideon Calder interviews the former Welsh Secretary, Peter Hain, about his challenge to the neoliberal orthodoxy
Peter Hain says a Labour government should adopt a Welsh ‘not-for-dividend’ template for the postal service
Geraint Talfan Davies assesses the significance of the loss of Leighton Andrews from the Welsh Cabinet
Gareth Clubb says a Severn barrage could become one of the most expensive renewable energy schemes in history
Peter Stead gets to grips with Peter Hain’s autobiography
John Osmond reads between the lines of a book about last year’s Assembly referendum that was launched yesterday
Annabelle Harle questions the wisdom of Peter Hain seeking First Past the Post for Assembly elections