Over the last two years the IWA has been exploring the foundational economy through a project to develop new ideas
Mapping Wales with the welsh agenda in 2021
Here are some of the articles published in the welsh agenda in 2021 that best reflect the diversity of Welsh places.
IWA ANALYSIS: Budget and Spending Review – Five Key Takeaways
Dr Jack Watkins offers an analysis of the UK Government’s 2021 Budget announcements and its impact on Wales.
IWA View: No Country for Young Folks: Looking for the Full Picture of the Welsh ‘Brain Drain’
Dr Jack Watkins from the IWA explores the realities of the ‘Brain Drain’ – and asks how Wales can be a good place to live for young poeple.
IWA Analysis: The Economics of Caring
Jack Watkins suggests that understanding of the foundational economy points towards reforms that can help improve social care.
What’s Welsh for ‘Economic Policy’?
Dr Jack Watkins writes that reliance on Foreign Direct Investment must be replaced with development of an economy rooted at the local level.