Rachel Cable, Director of Policy and Public Affairs at ColegauCymru, welcomes the appointment of the new CTER Chief Executive and believes the Commission offers a real opportunity to redesign learning pathways for further education.
Why We Shouldn’t Go Back To Normal
Rachel Cable outlines how Covid-19 has exacerbated existing inequalities and what Wales must do to ensure the future is different.
Poverty Shouldn’t be the Consequence of Caring
Unpaid carers are barely supported in Wales and it’s time they’re protected from the injustice of poverty, argues Rachel Cable.
Wales Can Help Save Millions of Lives
Coronavirus needs a global response to alleviate the suffering of the world’s poorest and the people of Wales have an important part to play, writes Rachel Cable.
We can no longer turn a blind eye to the poverty that carers face
Rachel Cable urges Welsh Government to not only recognise the value of carers, but to reward them.
Now is the time to support our carers
Rachel Cable argues that Wales is facing a growing poverty crisis as a result of the pandemic.
Coronavirus Will Hit Our Poorest Communities the Hardest
There is a lot more we can do to protect the most vulnerable during this crisis, writes Rachel Cable.