Qualified for the Future: the wider offer for 14-16-year olds


Institute of Welsh Affairs (IWA)

Website: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/o/institute-of-welsh-affairs-iwa-5331439653
This event is an opportunity to share your views on what the wider qualifications offer in Wales should look like.

Qualified for the Future: the wider offer for 14 to 16-year olds

The IWA is partnering with Qualifications Wales to host a discussion about the wider offer to learners at ages 14-16. As well as GCSEs, the Welsh Baccalaureate and vocational and technical qualifications, learners in Welsh schools can take a range of qualifications that help to prepare them for life and work, as well as deepening their knowledge on targeted topics.

This event is an opportunity to share your views on what should form part of this wider offer. We want to hear your reflections on how schools can better prepare learners for the transition to adulthood, and into the world of work.

This is an hour long discussion on Zoom, chaired by IWA Director, Auriol Miller.