Adam Johannes argues Welsh Government has not shielded libraries from austerity and urges a Wales Libraries Act to stop future budget cuts

Adam Johannes argues Welsh Government has not shielded libraries from austerity and urges a Wales Libraries Act to stop future budget cuts
In Afallen’s first White Paper, David Clubb advocates a digital strategy for Wales informed by Free and Open Source Software (FOSS).
The Welsh Conservatives’ leader discusses devolving power to our communities, supporting businesses and promoting accountability with Nicolas Webb.
Carolyn Hitt finds Plaid Cymru leader Adam Price brimming with ideas and hope, and unapologetic about his use of the term ‘reparations’.
Mark Drakeford talks to Steve Howell about child poverty, the crisis in social care and how best to reboot Wales’ economy.
Nick Bennett explains how the Public Services Ombudsman (Wales) Act, which comes into force today, will give a greater voice to citizens in the public services we all rely on
Lee Waters AM introduces the work of a new Welsh Government panel on Digital Transformation, and invites views
Eurfyl ap Gwilym sets out how Wales is funded
Eurfyl ap Gwilym and Gerry Holtham reflect on the outlook for public services in Wales