Our Media Audit informs new Senedd Committee’s research on public broadcasting in Wales

Culture, Communications, Welsh Language, Sport, and International Relations Committee.

The Culture, Communications, Welsh Language, Sport, and International Relations Committee has just issued a new report, State of Play: Public Service Broadcasting in Wales

Examining the impact of new technological advancements on broadcasting, the Committee surveys the the public service broadcasting landscape and argues that Welsh interests are not being ‘sufficiently considered’. 

Our Wales Media Audits, released in 2008, 2015 and 2020, offer a longitudinal view of the Welsh media landscape. In 2015, our research led us to warn about the amount of content available about Wales, with reduced spend on content produced about our nation and a cut to S4C funding, mentioned in the Committee’s report. 

You can read more about our Media Audit Wales and our more recent project on Media and Democracy, which led to our report on Broadcasting Regulations, here.

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