Glyndwr Cennydd Jones puts forward a blueprint to reform UK institutions and address the asymmetry of the union.
Political Accountability and Popular Sovereignty
Glyndwr Cennydd Jones calls for a constitution that will codify the relations between the four nations in the UK.
Review – Independent Nation: Should Wales Leave the UK? by Will Hayward
Glyndwr Cennydd Jones reviews Will Hayward’s book Independent Nation: Should Wales Leave the UK?
Constitutional Reform is Unfinished Business in the UK
Glyndwr Cennydd Jones says that the UK’s structural fragilities call for for a nationwide conversation about constitutional reform.
A Strategic Compromise
The Independent Commission on the Constitutional Future of Wales must recognise all UK nations’ political and constitutional realities when exploring the future of the Union.
Book Review: Whose Wales?
Glyndwr Cennydd Jones reviews ‘Whose Wales?’ by Gwynoro Jones and Alun Gibbard, an exploration of how the Wales we know today came to be.
Part Five: A Sovereign Wales in an Isle-wide Confederation
In the final part of his essay, Glyndwr Cennydd Jones summarises his analysis of the UK’s constitution and looks at where Brexit and Covid-19 leaves us now.
Part Four: A Sovereign Wales in an Isle-wide Confederation
A League-Union of the Isles is neither independence nor federalism – but the best of both worlds, argues Glyndwr Cennydd Jones.
Part Three: A Sovereign Wales in an Isle-wide Confederation
What would an independent Wales in the EU look like? Glyndwr Cennydd Jones writes about the potential future relationship…